Host A Live From Israel Event
Bring Neil Lazarus to your event or to the cellphone of your students.

Bring Neil Lazarus via video LIVE to your event or to the homes of your donors
It works. You don't need any expensive equipment.
It's cheaper than a seminar and great if your budget is low.
People love it. I see them, they see me and it's interactive.
Why pay for flights, hotels, accommodation when you can video conference?
It works. You don't need any expensive equipment.
It's cheaper than a seminar and great if your budget is low.
People love it. I see them, they see me and it's interactive.
Why pay for flights, hotels, accommodation when you can video conference?

Design a course with Neil or just have one presentation...
Join from your home or at an event.
Enjoy an awesome seminar, but at half the price.
It's still as fun, it's interactive and never freezes
Live on a video call.....
Join from your home or at an event.
Enjoy an awesome seminar, but at half the price.
It's still as fun, it's interactive and never freezes
Live on a video call.....
The advantages are huge...
It creates a sensational "live from Jerusalem" effect.
You can receive the broadcast at 14 locations simultaneously
Particpants can even watch the broadcast on their iphone or ipad.
What people say....
Dear Mr. Lazarus,
Thank you so very much for taking the time to speak with us this past Saturday. It was both informative and engaging. I feel that all at the event benefited from a new understanding of the Middle East and have heard nothing but rave reviews from those who attended.Thanks again and keep in touch.Sincerely, Amy