The Press in EnglishThe Press in English
Israel Radio (twice daily audio news in English)
Globes (Israeli financial daily)
Jerusalem Post
Ha’Aretz English;
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
News From Israel (Clearing house for Israel news from the Israel Information Office in Scotland):
Yisrael Hayom
Jewish News
Huffington Post
Foreign Policy Magazine
Organisations/Think Tanks
Peace Now
Alahead News
Hamas Website
The Washington Institute
IDF blog
IDF Spokesman
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jewish Agency/World Zionist Organization Hasbara website has a host of articles and resources
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Bland title masks unexcelled site for in-depth briefing papers. The pro-Israel policy wonk’s dream! (JCPA)
The Middle East Media and Research Institute (monitors Palestinian and other Arab Media) (MEMRI):
Palestine Media Watch Translations and access to video and text material from the Palestinian Authority
Independent Media Review and Analysis (interviews and surveys take you behind the headlines) (IMRA):
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Anti-Defamation League
CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy on Mid-East Reporting in America)
Honest Reporting media monitoring group with an international perspective
AICE (American-Israel Cooperative Enterprise) resource of myths and facts of the Arab-Israel conflict